Off to a Good Start.

I debated today on whether I was going to post something or not, or maybe I would just give it a few days. Then I realized, that is not how one gets into a habit of blogging. So, I kicked myself once I got home to post something.

I did upload something on my writing page, “Works with a Hint of Creativity”. The upload being called “Acts of Compassion”. It is about a man who struggles with the littlest thing and isn’t sure why. He is troubled and feels a little lost in the moment until he realizes what he actually meant to do in the first place. The reason it was called “Acts of Compassion” was because it was a prompt from an old teacher and then my friend dared me to twist it. I liked how it turned out, and I hope someone else gets a kick out of it like my friends did.

Like I said, you can find that little piece of joy on my writing page mentioned above. I would also like to mention that I have updated my “Inspiration” page as well. When you read something of mine, you will most likely find things that tie into what I wrote from photo’s on that page. Some are loose, some not so much. But nevertheless, they are there. I won’t pinpoint to you which one belongs with what story, I’ll be here for days, but you can make those judgements for yourself.

And to anyone, and everyone, who has had a shitty day like myself, keep your head up! It will get better eventually. I am just thankful I was able to make it to school today after all, my poor Malibu (also known as Bad Luck Molly, or just Molly on the days she’s good to me) died on me this morning and I would really appreciate it if she did not do that again tomorrow. Have a good night everyone, and embrace the cold because it’s not going anywhere right now. 🙂

Here Goes Nothing…

Even though this is a requirement for a class I am taking in University, setting up my own blog has something that I have always wanted to do. I guess it can be a good way for me to start since I need to get marked on it anyways and there are specific requirements I need to meet.

I do not intend for people to read my blog at the beginning, I mean, besides the Professor that needs to evaluate me on my effort and such for creating this blog. But I do hope, that in the future, I can gain some followers who are willing to read, not only my blog posts but also my writing. I am no professional, and writing is not easy work, especially when you are trying to create something beautiful and systematic in a sense that it can attract your readers and hold their attention. I will never glorify the idea of writing because if you do a little research, all the great ones (and I am not talking about Stephenie Meyer, the author of the Twilight saga) were usually alcoholics. And if they were not great when they were alive, then they were praised while their corpses or ashes sat in a dusty old box.

I enjoy writing, it give me a sense of knowing, it calms me when I am frustrated, it can be a great stress reliever but my ultimate goal is to publish a novel that is worth publishing. Something that people will talk about, not because the main male protagonist or antagonist is so dreamy, no—I want them to talk about it in a sense that it changed them. Maybe they started to look at the world a different way, or maybe they realized something in their life that they never realized beforehand.

That would be my ultimate goal and it will not be an easy one. As of right now, I am a little rusty in the writing area. It has been a few months since I have sat down and written a single sentence that I think is worthy of eyes. So I guess, while I get back into the groove of things, I will upload some of my older works. I need something to get this blog motoring and hopefully that will do it.